Bajre Ki Roti Recipe by Vari Shah 111 days ago

Bajre Ki Roti
Millet flour roti is popularly eaten with adad ni dal, jaggery and fresh, homemade white butter.
    Preparation Method
  1. Mix all the ingredients and knead to a soft dough.
  2. Divide the dough into 4 equal portions.
  3. Dip one portion of the dough in millet flour.
  4. Flatten and pat it on the rolling board with your palm to make a round of 4" to 5" diameter.
  5. Pre-heat the griddle on a medium flame. Roast the roti alternately on both the sides. Turn it over on a high gas flame till it puffs up. Remove from the fire as light, brown spots appear.
  6. Slit the thin layer of roti and apply ghee under and over it.
  7. Repeat for the remaining portions.
  8. Serve hot with jaggery, adad dal or kadhi, curds and green coriander chutney.
    Additional Note
  • Millet flour dough should be kneaded just before cooking the roti or it will taste bitter.
    Maize (makkai) and milo (juwar) flour rotis are made similarly.


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Serves : 4 Rotis
Ready In : 25 Minutes
Level :
Tithi :
Cuisine :
  1. 1 cup millet flour
  2. 1/2 cup water (approx.)
  3. salt to taste
  4. For Dusting
  5. millet flour (as required)
  6. melted ghee (to apply over rotis)

Related Recipes

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